Backyard Sports Cares (BYSC) has united the Mt. Vernon and Scarsdale High School Volleyball teams to bring a start up volleyball program to the Mt. Vernon Boys and Girls Club.

Under the supervision of coaches Tashi Campbell and Ann Marie Nee, players from both schools are teaming up to offer instruction and peer mentorship to more than 25 middle school girls, who are experiencing the game for the first time.
“This program is providing a unique opportunity for high school players to unite with the purpose of sharing their skills and passion for the game with eager deserving youngsters,” said Tashi Campbell.
Jessica Waldman, a Scarsdale Junior comments, “It was really fun to participate and play alongside girls from the Mount Vernon varsity team. Inspiring younger kids to play volleyball is really rewarding. We’re looking forward to playing with the Mt. Vernon Boys and Girls Club for the duration of the session!”
Offered initially to female players, the program will run for 8 weeks through the end of February.