October 4th marked the opening day of Backyard Sports Cares award-winning PLUS program for athletes with special needs. This fall, BYSC is continuing a new program set up for our growing teen population. Integrated teams comprised of nearly 20 teen boys from the Westchester County area and more than 10 volunteer high school peer mentors scrimmaged against each other for a fun, sweat-soaked morning.
The program, nicknamed TSSL (Teen Sports League), was designed to give our PLUS players, as they grow, a chance to play and learn about offense, defense, goal scoring, and of course, sportsmanship.

More than 30 kids with special needs, ages 5 to 15, engaged in basketball skill development drills with their trained peer mentor volunteers. The one-on-one support, high-energy atmosphere, music and enthusiasm at Purchase College gym added up to an extra special experience and sense of accomplishment for everyone involved.